Meeting at: 13875 Higgins Rd., San Antonio, TX 78217

After working all week, the last thing you probably want to do is wake up early Sunday morning and go to church. If you are like many, you figure you deserve to sleep in on the weekend to watch television, wash your car, or picnic with your family. There is nothing wrong with any of these things. But, if you don’t make time to seek God, what chance do you have of ever finding him?

Knowing God is the most important achievement in life. If you are ignorant of God, your life is meaningless. It’s also likely full of bad decisions and regret. But God reveals himself in the Bible, If you will seek God’s will in the Bible, you will begin to see important changes in your life. You will start seeing yourself clearly for the fist time. You will confront the fact that your are a much greater sinner than you ever imagined. You will discover that God loves more than you thought possible. You will learn that God has provided a way to forgiveness and freedom from your sin. You will be introduced to that way. Jesus is that way.

God directed the heat of his wrath and the weight of his justice towards Jesus so that you could be saved from your sin. God offers you this salvation absolutely free. He does not demand that you earn it nor that your deserve it. What he asks is that you humbly believe in him and in his offer of salvation. God promises that if you seek him you will find him, and you will be made free from your sin.

You can take the first step by going ahead and sleeping in this Sunday morning and then come join us at church Sunday afternoon, where God’s word will be taught, where Jesus will be worshipped, and where salvation will be explained plainly. We want to help you know God.

Sunday service starts at 9:45 am. We hope you will join us!.

Meeting Times:

  • Open Meeting and Children’s Sunday School: 9:45 – 10:45 AM
  • Preaching: 11:00 – 12:00 PM