The Confession 4 : Faith

In this series we discuss what Paul calls “the word of faith”: Romans 10:9, the essence of Christianity. In this fourth sermon we examine the response that is elicited of us when we acknowledge the historical fact of the resurrection and its theological implications.

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The Historicity of the Resurrection

A common misconception is that one enters Christianity by the door of faith. That is a quite reasonable assumption, and if Christiainity were like other religions, it would be accurate. However, Christianity is not like other religions. It is extremely different in many ways, but the first major difference is...

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Christ’s Place in the World

As most good, well-educated Americans, you probably have heard of the doctrine of “Separation of Church and State”, or as the Apostle of Democracy, Thomas Jefferson, originally worded it, “The Great Wall Of… Separation”. This doctrine dictates that the Church should be separate from the State. I know. A little...

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The Confession 3 : Theology

In this series we discuss what Paul calls “the word of faith”: Romans 10:9, the essence of Christianity. In this third sermon we examine the theological implications of the historical event of Jesus’ resurrection and how they impact our faith.

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Plagiarizing the Holy Spirit

There has been quite a dustup lately surrounding pastors being accused of plagiarizing sermons from other pastors, or even buying sermons from companies that specialize in drafting them. For many of us hayseed preachers, this might amount to the breaking news that Catholics baptize babies. Not ideal, but certainly not...

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Exegesis of Romans, part 2

Preface. This portion of Romans is especially difficult to exegete. Chapter 5 is probably the most complicated writing in the New Testament. (For instance, in the Greek sentence found in verse 5:18, there are no verbs. I don’t even know what to make of that. For what purpose would Paul...

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The Confession 2 : Historicity

In this series we discuss what Paul calls “the word of faith”: Romans 10:9, the essence of Christianity. In this second sermon we examine the historicity of the central event that is the foundation of Christianity and faith: The bodily resurrection of Jesus.

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The Frugal Brother

The most well-known parable of Jesus is “The Prodigal Son”, or so it is commonly called. It is the parable found in the latter part of Luke 15. This chapter has probably been preached more than almost any other chapter in history. It certainly ranks in the top 10. I...

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Exegesis of Romans, part 1

Preface. The word ‘exegesis’ has become very hip. Every pastor worth his weight in words refers to his sermons in the third person as ‘Exegesis’. This is a good thing, at least in principle. The alternative, and the antonym of exegesis is ‘eisegesis’, and that is seriously ‘no bueno’. Eisegesis...

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Series: The Confession

In this series we discuss what Paul calls “the word of faith”: Romans 10:9, the essence of Christianity. We examine the context exegetically and then break apart this most important and concise expression of the confession of faith.

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