A Study on the Pneumatika

The fastest-growing branch of Christianity is the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement. More than five hundred million Christians identify as Charismatic or Pentecostal. There are many divisions within the movement, but generally speaking that means that half a billion people who confess Christ believe in the ongoing gifts of miracles, tongues, and revelatory...

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Teaching the Text Seriously

In recent years I have become increasingly persuaded that there is a fundamental flaw in standard evangelical teaching (also in preaching, but to a more indeterminate degree). I especially see this flaw in my own teaching, and so I hope no one takes this criticism personally; although, I won’t be...

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A Study in Prooftexting

Preface: Prooftexting is the practice of constructing a doctrinal argument or defense or an exposition on snippets of text as opposed to basing those on the full, contextual explanations by the Biblical authors. An example would be to argue for or teach eternal security based on phrases such as “Save...

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Calvinism As A Model

Setting theology proper aside, Calvinsim is the framework with the most explanatory power for human psychology and world affairs. The United States is extremely blessed that it had such an outsized influence over the Framers and Founders. We are quite possibly the last remaining government still standing on the cornerstones...

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A Study On The Great Whore

So, a disclaimer: This essay introduces significant eschatological ramifications. However, I was not aware of these ramifications when I first studied this text and pondered these conclusions. Although conclusions is not the right word, perhaps observations is more fitting, or even musings. Anyway, the point is that I did not...

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A Study on Hospitality

“Use hospitality one to another without grudging.” — 1 Peter 4.9 Hospitality is the forgotten qualification of Christianity. It is probably the most overlooked requirement of elders. It is a requirement for widows who will be supported by the church. I don’t think I have ever been in an ordination...

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Series: First Peter – Heirs of God

In this series we examine exegetically the First Epistle of Peter and his timely message to Christians who have allowed Satan to deceive them into seeing themselves as they were before Jesus instead of who they are now in Christ: Heirs of a incorruptible, undefiled, and unfading inheritance–Kings. Priests. Sons...

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Distinguished but not Differentiated

To paraphrase and apply an argument given by Doug Wilson for Reformed Kingdom Theology: There are things that everyone can distinguish, and that are clearly distinct and unique but at the same time also cannot be separated, cannot be amalgamated, and cannot not exist on their own. An example of...

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A Study in Archaic Translations

Peter, in his first epistle, cites an extensive passage out of the 34rd Psalm. This citation affords no small amount of light on the issue of translation itself, as there is a great deal of translation going on. Not only is David translating his thoughts to the language he was...

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